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Medication Form

2022-2023 Medication Protocol

1.) Any and All Prescription medication must be brought to the building nurse in by a parent or guardian (not the student). Medications will then be counted and recorded in the student's health record. Each medication will require a copy of the "Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization Form." This form must be completed by the Prescriber (Doctor or Nurse Practitioner) and the Parent or Guardian. No doses of medication will be given until this form is completed and brought in along with the medication to the Nurse.

2.) Medications need to be given at home unless a noon time dose is required. Antibiotics can usually be scheduled to be given before school, after school, and then at bedtime. However, if a dose is required at noon, you will still need the authorization form and the number of doses that the student would require at school in a bottle from the pharmacy with the correct directions and name labeled on it. Most pharmacies will provide you with an extra bottle if needed. Medication bottles can not be sent back and forth each day. If a medication is discontinued before the supply of medication in the Nurse's office has been used up, you will need to collect this medication or request it be destroyed. Simply call and let your wishes be known to the Nurse.

3.) We have standing orders for Tylenol, Tums, and Ibuprofen. Taylor Early Child Center, PES, and STMS may carry both liquid and tablet. HHS only carries tablets, but liquid can be provided by parents if your HS student requires it and can be brought to the Nurse. A few other over-the-counter medications can be administered from our standing doctor's orders through the school and with your permission. Parent Permission must be renewed every school year. Other than these exceptions, over-the-counter medications can not be left for the student to take on a regular or as needed basis. For example, you can not leave a bottle of Aleve, Claritin, or Midol here to be given to your student upon their request. If an over-the-counter medication is required, then you will need to have a written prescription from your doctor and a Medication Authorization Form, as mentioned above. Again this is for your student's safety.

4.) For the safety of your student, we will not give over-the-counter medications until 8:30 AM or after 2:00 PM unless a call is received from you requesting it be given before or after the normal time frame. This is to protect and prevent a student from taking medication at home and then requesting it again as soon as they get to school or taking it at school and going home and repeating the dose at home. This is just a safety check. We will give medication up till 2:30 if a student is required to stay after school for a sport or activity if the Teacher/Coach confirms the student is staying after school.

5.) A total of 10 doses of Tylenol and or Ibuprofen is the limit per semester. If more medication is needed, it will require a doctor's order.

Nurses Offices
Taylor (636) 479-5200 Ext. 5104   
Pevely (636) 479-5200 Ext. 3007
Senn-Thomas (636) 479-5200 Ext. 2007   
Herculaneum (636) 479-5200 Ext. 4007

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